Please make sure your students attend school during testing period, have a good night sleep and eat a healthy breakfast.

SAGE Testing

What is SAGE? 

The SAGE acronym stands for Student Assessment for Growth and Excellence.  SAGE is the new Utah computer adaptive assessment system, aligned to the State's language arts, mathematics and science standards.  This year SAGE will replace the CRT tests that students used for their end of year testing.

What is the difference? 

The old CRT was only composed of approximately 60 multiple choice questions that were administered at the end of the school year.

The new SAGE is a computer adaptive test that allows more information to be gathered about the student's cognitive ability in a shorter amount of time.  The SAGE testing bank consists of over ten thousand questions with the ability to scale the level of each question to match each student's cognitive ability.  The adaptive testing software in SAGE employs an algorithm that adapts the test in real time responding to the accuracy of a student's response to the previous questions.  This allowed the algorithm to more accurately and efficiently determine a student's level of proficiency. 

When do the students take the test?
At the end of this school year, all school Districts will be required to administer the SAGE Summative assessment in grades 3-12 in the subjects of language arts, math, and science (3rd grade does not test in science).

What will the test look like?
SAGE will include writing, graphing, virtual labs, drag and drop, and other measures of student achievement in the testing module.  SAGE will allow the student to interact with the test by accessing tool such as rules, lines, short answer essays, etc.

Parent Involvement 

Students, parents, and teachers can access sample questions in the SAGE portal allowing students to become familiar with the tools and format of the questions students will receive during the testing.  You can access the SAGE testing portal HERE or  This portal will not correct the test questions, but will allow students to become more familiar with the SAGE tools.  We encourage parents and students to access the SAGE portal to increase their familiarity with the new test platform. 

Testing Results
The SAGE system will provide school districts with accurate fall to spring growth for all students. The student growth will then be tracked for their entire educational career.  Please be aware that results in SAGE should not be compared to the old CRT test because they are completely different assessment tools.  Please be prepared for lower proficiency in students because of the new SAGE adaptive assessments.  When adaptive assessments have been administered in other states, the number of students who are proficient was sometimes up to 30% lower when compared to the older CRT test.  The lower proficiency does not mean students are not ready to advance to the next grade; it simply means students will be assessed in a completely different adaptive assessment environment.

More Information
If you would like to read more information relating to SAGE you can access the USOE web page for assessment.